Influencer Marketing Disappointing You? Try Using Actual Influencers
By Ted Wright
By Ted Wright If you’ve read any of my stuff, you know I have a specific, grounded-in-data point of view on why someone is an Influencer and how they act. Influencer marketing (IM) is all the rage – and there’s a reason for it. When done correctly, it works. But in order for IM to […]
3 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Word of Mouth Marketing
By Fizz
Originally posted on Inc’s marketing blog, this post was written by Peter Economy, columnist at Inc. Anyone in business knows that marketing is a key ingredient in selling the products you make and the services you deliver. If people never hear about the things you sell then, chances are, they won’t buy them. But what kind of marketing […]
Jesus the Influencer – VIDEO
By Fizz
The Influencer concept is nothing new. Influencers have been around for ages–millennia even. Do you have a compelling story that’s interesting, relevant and authentic? With the right influencers in your corner the possibilities are limitless. [vimeo 22945513]
School of WOM with a side of tamales!
By Fizz
We’re still reeling from the fantastic time at this year’s School of WOM. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure, School of WOM is a biannual conference attended by the foremost thinkers and educators in marketing today. Ted Wright hosted an interactive workshop both extolling WOMM’s many virtues and enlightening attendees on the practical wisdom […]
Judi Friedman, Marketing Maven, Joins Fizz, The Word of Mouth Marketing Agency
By Tanya Fraser
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fizz welcomes Judi Friedman to the team as our Chief Strategy Officer. One of the most dynamic women in marketing today, Judi has worked with companies from HBO and IBM tostart- ups. As the former VP of One- to- One Marketing at Three and COO of All Points, she hasyears of experience […]
WOMM and CES 2011
By Ted Wright
Fizz attended CES this year in support of several clients. We were there for three days and walked the entire show at least once. Here are a couple of 30,000 ft observations we had. TV is coming back. As a talkable experience, the act of watching television is coming back with the commercial application of […]
Everything Communicates
By Ted Wright
Everything communicates! Yesterday I was a Bissell’s HQ in Grand Rapids Michigan for a day of meetings and to give a talk on WOMM to their marketing staff. As you can tell from the picture below, yesterday was not my first rodeo. What struck me enough to write about my experience was how well thought […]