Three traits of influencers normally overlooked by influencer marketers
By Ted Wright
I know what you’re thinking, “Who are these elusive Influencers everyone’s always talking about anyway? What makes them special? How do you know one when you see one?” And most importantly, “How can I get them interested in my cause?” “Influencer” is a term bandied about a little too loosely these days. In this short video, Ted […]
How many word of mouth conversations are face to face?
By Ted Wright
Ted Wright talks about the percentage of WOMM conversations that take place face-to-face versus online and he probes us to think about what distinguishes a campaign from a movement. [vimeo 22943018] Brand tattoos? Why people get excited about word of mouth marketing ideas! Illustration courtesy
The Reach of an Influencer – VIDEO
By Tanya Fraser
If you’ve been paying attention, you not only now know who the Influentials are, you know what motivates them to share stories and how to encourage them to support your message. But what is the word of an Influencer really worth? Ted Wright backed up by some marketing R&D heavy-hitters puts a number on it. […]