The American Consumer Seesaw

By Ted Wright

The American Psychiatric Association says that 48% of Americans are anxious about the possibility of getting coronavirus, while 62% are anxious about the possibility of family or loved ones contracting the disease. Anxiety intermixed with the unprecedented boredom only weeks of social distancing can create and you have the unsavory recipe for the American consumer […]

Build Your Own Word of Mouth Marketing Strategy

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright At its core, Word of Mouth marketing is about people organically sharing stories. So how do we encourage people to share your brand story in a real, natural way? Create a story worth talking about. A good brand story is at the core of building a Word of Mouth Marketing strategy This […]

If these walls could talk: Keys to Fizz innovation hidden in plain sight

By Ted Wright

“Watch this!” Fizz founder Ted Wright exclaimed as he turned off the lights. He then switched on a miner’s light on his head that glowed with the signature purple radiance of a blacklight. As he turned the light toward the wall, decorative words magically appeared on his office wall, exposing colorful and hilarious sayings — […]

WOMM and CES 2011

By Ted Wright

Fizz attended CES this year in support of several clients. We were there for three days and walked the entire show at least once. Here are a couple of 30,000 ft observations we had. TV is coming back. As a talkable experience, the act of watching television is coming back with the commercial application of […]