Opening a word of mouth conversation with kindness

By Ted Wright

By Scott Jenson Recently, a word of mouth marketing conversation was saved with a bag of cookies. Today I want to show you how conversations and kindness go together. I’ve been working on a program to to raise awareness of the high quality made-to-order food at our client’s chain of convenience stores. Our target audience […]

Offline and online word of mouth marketing are not the same

By Ted Wright

By Scott Jenson Online word of mouth online is a much different than offline. You know this, your board of directors knows this, and most certainly consumers know this. So why is there still such an emphasis on social media without an equivalent share of mind spent on offline conversations? It’s not the wrong choice […]

Why word of mouth marketing is a long haul

By Ted Wright

By Scott Jenson We’ve all heard the cliché phrase “Rome was not built in a day.” Often used to call for reasonable expectations when something isn’t happening fast enough, and when used in marketing you can be sure that it is attached as an appeal to patience. This phrase is never more relevant than when […]