The American Consumer Seesaw

By Ted Wright

The American Psychiatric Association says that 48% of Americans are anxious about the possibility of getting coronavirus, while 62% are anxious about the possibility of family or loved ones contracting the disease. Anxiety intermixed with the unprecedented boredom only weeks of social distancing can create and you have the unsavory recipe for the American consumer […]

How do you embed word of mouth marketing in a company culture?

By Ted Wright

Here is a great irony of word of mouth marketing. It is the oldest type of marketing known to the human race – we have always sold stuff by talking to others. And yet, in a modern company culture, it might be the most unfamiliar marketing option available to us. And, embracing the unfamiliar, like […]

Opening a word of mouth conversation with kindness

By Ted Wright

By Scott Jenson Recently, a word of mouth marketing conversation was saved with a bag of cookies. Today I want to show you how conversations and kindness go together. I’ve been working on a program to to raise awareness of the high quality made-to-order food at our client’s chain of convenience stores. Our target audience […]

A great business lesson from Ronald Reagan

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright When Ronald Reagan came out of the Reykjavik Nuclear Arms Summit with Gorbachev, he said about the agreement, “We will trust, but we will verify.” I think that is a great business lesson, too. It’s a great rule for your employees, for your customers, for your marketing. Say you’re working with a […]

Three organizational requirements for successful word of mouth marketing

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright I’ve discussed word of mouth marketing with hundreds of companies and there are certainly patterns you can see where it works and where it doesn’t. Here are the three ideal organizational requirements for successful word of mouth marketing: 1. Openness to innovation You have to like to try to do new things. […]

Co-creating the word of mouth marketing agency relationship

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright The best client/agency relationships start with the client doing enough research to know what an agency does and what they are great it then making sure that matches corporate goals and culture. So many times brands think that the word of mouth marketing agency relationship should be determined alone. It’s the very […]