Alcoholics Anonymous Does Word of Mouth Marketing Fabulously Well
By Judi Friedman
By Judi Friedman Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a self-supporting organization that helps members become and remain sober. From a word of mouth marketing perspective, A.A. is a pretty amazing organization. Founded in 1935 with two members, growing to 100 members in 1939, and then 100,000 in 1950, there are now over two million members in […]
5 Word of Mouth Marketing Lessons from A Passover Seder
By Judi Friedman
Last week, my family got together to celebrate Passover. Passover is a time when Jews around the world commemorate the exodus of the enslaved Israelites from Egypt. It is a story of deceit, discovery, plagues, and redemption. If you’ve never been, a Seder can be quite long and at one point, I must admit my […]
A Boring Everyday Tool Can Start a Story
By Judi Friedman
The other day, a friend of mine sent me an email with lots of pictures of shopping bags. Yes, shopping bags; a boring, everyday tool. I was really intrigued, not because I’m really into shopping bags, but because the shopping bags were really interesting as a way to start a story. I studied each picture […]