Build Your Own Word of Mouth Marketing Strategy

By Ted Wright

…Your company can do something radical that gets people talking, but this will only have a short-term impact. Word of Mouth Marketing is a long-term marketing strategy, so it needs…

Marketing Strategy or Halloween Costume?

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright It’s official, Influencer Marketing is dead. When Urban Outfitters makes fun of the marketing strategy you sold just six months ago as “The NEW New Thing,” you…

Dave Balter values Fizz campaigns in excess of $4,000,000

By Ted Wright

…the article , to Dave’s first white paper in the series and the second in the series And has far as that headline goes, taking Dave’s CPM…

Fizz wins “Humanitarian” WOMMIE

By Ted Wright

for being great clients to work with. Finally, all of us at Fizz would love you to stop by the PureRay website,, and see for yourselves how to get…

Fizz has joined the Marketing Rebellion

By Ted Wright

…moving toward an ad-free, funnel-free, loyalty-free world — which sort of sets the stage for word of mouth marketing as a reasonable answer to this marketer’s dilemma. He was kind…

Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

By Ted Wright

…by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to…

Why you should own your own marketing home

By Ted Wright

and nurture influencers in their own communities and perhaps even by joining the communities of others. Second, a community has to be cool. It has to be great. It has…

Word of Mouth Marketing: Campaign vs Movement

By Ted Wright

…stories. We once had a client whose brand story ran almost 1,300 words on their website. While it was interesting to the founding family of the company, it wasn’t interesting…

Time to be “annoying”?

By Ted Wright

…but pertinent fact: A recent study by Kelsey Group, a market research firm based in New Jersey, estimates that spending on mobile-search advertising in the U.S. alone will grow to…

Why Word of Mouth Marketing matters more than ever

By Ted Wright

and inexorably moving to an ad-free, loyalty-free, sales-funnel-free world where the customers are the marketers. As somebody who has been in the field of marketing for more than 35 years,…

How Do You Encourage Word of Mouth Marketing?

By Ted Wright

…While this may be interesting to the founding family of a company, it’s not going to be interesting nor relevant to most consumers. No matter the size of your company…

My biggest word of mouth marketing influences

By Ted Wright

component pieces and show how each of the pieces builds upon each other. He basically made you build strategy out of Legos. If you put the blocks together a certain…

Spore’s WOM not evolving well for EA

By Ted Wright

…quick trip to will give an interesting example of Spore’s negative WOM. Those of us here at Fizz who have been a friend to Will for years are sad…


By admin

…information. We supplement all that with our own market and ethnographic research. In other words, we do our homework. Brand story line. All research gets synthesized into potential brand story…

Focus, Design, Delivery and Report

By Ted Wright

Great WOMM-U event. Thanks to everyone for attending and asking such interesting design questions. Many e-mails have come in asking for a one pager on Focus, Design, Delivery and Report….