In WOMM, 10 percent is the importantist number

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright If “1” is the loneliest number than “10” is the importantist number, at least when it comes to Word of Mouth Marketing. From all of the previous research published on WOMM we know that right at 10% of any population set you can to carve out is made up of Influencers. We […]

Alcoholics Anonymous Does Word of Mouth Marketing Fabulously Well

By Judi Friedman

By Judi Friedman Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a self-supporting organization that helps members become and remain sober. From a word of mouth marketing perspective, A.A. is a pretty amazing organization. Founded in 1935 with two members, growing to 100 members in 1939, and then 100,000 in 1950, there are now over two million members in […]