What are the signs you need to keep working your company story?

By Ted Wright

The heart of the word of mouth marketing process is the company story (or stories!) – something that is authentic, interesting, and relevant to a group of people who can become your customers. At Fizz, we put a tremendous amount of effort into creating these stories. It might involve weeks of research and days of […]

Why every company needs a customer-based story

By Ted Wright

I recently saw this headline: Why Your Brand Needs a Signature Story and How to Tell It.” Well, that attracted my attention since that is the centerpiece of what we do at Fizz. The article defines a “signature story” as: “An intriguing, authentic, involving narrative with a strategic message that clarifies or enhances the brand, […]

Why word of mouth marketing is like great street art

By Ted Wright

I am a huge fan of great street art … you know the exuberant expressions found painted on the sides of buildings and empty concrete spaces in nearly every big city in the world. To me, it is an unbridled and authentic story somebody is expressing to the world. I love it so much, I […]

The marketing tactic adoption cycle of life

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright My friend Mark Schaefer recently wrote “Marketers flock to the most popular idea until they ruin it.” He is correct, and it prompted me to articulate my Unified Theory of Marketing Tactic Adoption or “UTMSA” for those of you looking for a new conference to start. (To get this most out of […]

Marketing Is Always About Conversation

By Ted Wright

Marketing in today’s America is all about generating conversations between two consumers. Did you see the woman at the Golden Globes with the tray of Fiji water? If not, check out this link first:https://theblast.com/fiji-water-girl-golden-globes-sues-fiji/ All Fiji had to do was pay the girl an outrageous (so it’s talkable), think $1,000,000, sum for the global rights […]

Why Word of Mouth Marketing Is The Best Form of Storytelling

By Ted Wright

By Ted Wright I’ve never met a business leader who told me they had too much money for storytelling or marketing. Luckily, smart leaders using Word of Mouth Marketing can depend on influencers to cost-effectively carry their story. Word of Mouth Marketing is all about sparking conversations, and most companies already have marketing materials that […]